Trust Center

Security & Privacy at AlayaCare

Data security and privacy are core values at AlayaCare. We build them into our organization, our processes, and into the home care software platform we deliver. Our Trust Center is just one of the ways by which we demonstrate how we protect your most valuable asset.


  • AlayaCare Cloud - Master Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA-AC23.1-ALLPROD).xlsx


    AlayaCare uses the Privacy Impact Assessment process as an important evaluation of our data management practices and their impact on privacy. By conducting a thorough assessment, AlayaCare can identify and address potential privacy risks associated with the key functional capabilities of its EHR platform. This proactive approach to proviacy allows us to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the health information maintained in our secure software platform.



    AlayaCare provides a redacted version of its threat and risk assessment (TRA) covering its core cloud electronic health record (EHR) platform and its associated infrastructure This assessment provides an organization-wide overview designed to evaluate and identify potential vulnerabilities and risks within our EHR platform, allowing us to implement robust security measures and proactive mitigation strategies


  • AlayaCare - Core Audit Logging and Related Capabilities.xlsx

  • AlayaCare Ontario HINP Noticepdf

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